ARE YOU DONE????? Cool! Here is what you need to me and let me know that you are finished. I will review your blog and contact you if there are any problems. I know that there won't be. We will ship your MP3 player on the following Tuesday. We only ship on Tuesday because we aren't FedEx, UPS or Special Services. :) We will bundle your location's players together and ship to your manager's attention. He/she can then distribute with a hearty hand shake and pat on the back for a job well done!
NEED HELP???? No problem. We have a discussion board available to you as a place to post your questions. Click the link to go to the board, browse the posts to see if your question topic is there, if not, click the new button to create a new post. Here is the link: Discussion Board (this could be a sneak preview into the next course, you never know!)
username =\tsimpson
Make sure that you include the\ prefix before your username. If you are a Citrix users, you can access the board via the internet from within Citrix, and you will not be prompted to log in.
eXplore – Play time – search, explore, fiddle, find, fool around, visit or revisit anything that we have covered so far.
Share - Remember the technology training needs survey that I conducted a few months ago? Well, in a few weeks, I will send you the link and ask that you give it another go, so please, take a moment and complete the survey when it arrives.
Adventure – Have you finished your podcast yet? If not, now is the time to put that puppy to bed!