Listen to this podcast: Week 1
This course is all about SELF:
- Sharing and Collaborating
Lifelong Learning and
Fun in the workplace
Exploration - Trying new things is what makes life exciting. Don’t be afraid to try any part of this course, even if it doesn’t work. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Trying is the important part. Remember how you learned to ride a bike? Remember how many times you fell? You were determined and committed and you kept trying!! That’s what we need here.
Fun – Our work is serious by its nature, having fun at work should be a mandatory requirement, like taking a lunch break. In an article titled “Humor and Fun in the Workplace” (weblink to article source) Mary Rau-Foster mentions Southwest Airlines:
“SouthWest Airlines has departed from the typical approach to passenger service and has been rewarded for it. The flight attendants were named number one among the flight attendants of all the airlines.” “…In addition, they are encouraged to use humor in their customer service — which the passengers seem to appreciate (this one in particular.) Does the playfulness of the attendants impact their credibility with the passengers? Apparently not, as evidenced by the laughter and positive comments that follows some humorous remarks by the attendants.”
If you have ever flown SWA, you know that they are a “different” airline. In a recent flight from Buffalo to Orlando, I was asked to sing the Mickey Mouse theme song for first-to-board privileges. I honestly didn’t know all of the words, but the gate guy rehearsed with me and I pulled it off. Lucky for me, Simon wasn’t in the crowd! Should you have patrons sing out their Dewey decimal requests? I don’t know what is right for you, but I know that if our patrons see us enjoying our work, they will be drawn to us, and more likely to visit.
Lifelong Learning (yes I know, when spelling “SELF” the “F” should be after “L” but it doesn’t flow as well that way here) Lifelong learning means that the dog is never too old to learn new tricks. I hope that all of you are ready to learn a few new tricks. Exploration, experience and learning are all parts of lifelong learning and growth. Think of yourself as a knowledge pirate, exploring new worlds and seas, only without the plundering and killing part.
This course will be taught asynchronously, meaning that I will present learning information on a regular interval and you can stop by and use the materials when you like. This type of learning gives you the power to learn when it is best for you. As we all know, life has a great way of changing our best plans. Asynchronous learning gives you flexibility to deal with the issues and learn when you want. Remember the Burger King commercial – “Have it your way”?? You have the power to learn anytime you want. Can you feel the power??!!

1 – 200 of 270 Newer› Newest»This is my first time blogging! Very exciting and a little scary. I'm a foodie & crafter, not a techie. Maybe I will be by the end of the course!
I have never blogged before and I am a little intimidated by the thought of information being available to everyone everywhere. I am sure as time goes on I will get used to it and be more comfortable with the process. So off I go to new horizons.
I am also not very familiar with blogging. I am excited to learn, though! I share the feeling with annoymous April 4 8:53 a.m. that it is a bit scary that there is so much information floating around on the web. Alas, we are in the Information business so now is the time to become un-intimidated!
This is good! We will be taking our first steps together. I have never heard of the term blogging until I started working here. Now it's exciting and sounds interesting. I am going into this with the "Yes, I can" approach. Let's all remember, to have fun, fun, fun!
I haven't blogged, but I'm a regular reader of blogs. There are some really great ones out there for any interest. I've commented on a blog before though. The first time took forever while I agonized over what to say and how to say it - especially since I had to identify myself. Now I'm excited to try my hand at having a full blog experience. :-)
I really enjoyed the book training video. I've experienced this on both sides of the "I know it's simple but I'm just not getting it" - as the trainer and the trainee. I like that this course will make us all just jump in and try new things and that the trainer is learning just as much as the trainees. Lifelong learning for everyone!
I have blogged a bit a bit for school and a bit on myspace. I'm looking forward to this course because there is so much fun stuff out there that I never use. I think that I will learn a lot and I'm looking forward to learning how to podcast!
This was a first for me, but it was really good. I liked the Goals presentation. I hoped to learn more about blogs and how to use them.
Hooray for blogs! I love to read them and have written a few. Believe me, first-timers, if you've ever written in a diary, you can get this down with no problem!
This is my first blog too. Best part is reading everyone else's comments.
I am a regular blogger on Livejournal and Facebook, as well as classes that required the classmates to keep in touch via blogs and reply to each other. So while this is not exactly new to me, I'm sure it will be an enriching experience to be part of something with my coworkers, learning new technologies and developments. I'm especially excited to see websites and use applications that I've never heard of, but will probably become very popular in the coming months.
I use Wordpress to create my blogs. It's awesome!
Hello, this is Josh Geoghagan from Circulation. I have a weakness for blogs.
I had an older Blogger account - so I just created another Learn 2.0 blog under that account.
I look forward to learning more about new technology with the help of this course. Thanks for the great start!!
I have blogged personally and for work. I really enjoy reading blogs written by individuals who share the same interests that i have.
This isn't my first time blogging ever since the creation of Facebook and Myspace so I'm a bit familiar with this. I just ran thru week 1's 71/2 Habits and it really surprised me because in one of the courses I'm taking this semester we had a whole chapter discussing them in-depth. It's always a great feeling to know that my studies are really being applied in the real world. I'm looking forward to next week.
I have never blogged before but this course sounds very exciting.Especially the part where I get a prize,i'm so looking forward to start this course. mp3's rock!
My experience with blogging so far has been limited to what was required in school. I enjoy reading the blogs that OCLS publishes as a way to keep up with what is going on and with new trends. My expectation for this course is to become more familiar with new and emerging technologies.
Wow, the power of technology at the tip of our fingers. I am very excited about all of technology and its possibilities. Hopefully they will do nothing but improve our lives. Blogging is a step toward understanding this online environment first hand. Let's all be patient, never be afraid to ask questions, and be totally against censorship in all its forms. We must encourage freedom of thought, ability to act and react without retribution, and the overall freedom to just be ourselves.
This is my first time in to this and I like it.
Hello, this DBurnett in Special Services. Wow! this is fun, I have never blogged before. I can't wait to see whats next.
Hi this is Jan in Special Services. I've never done this before, but looking forward to the experience.
Hi I'm Dianne in Special Services. I have never blogged before. I'm looking foreward to learning this Technology. I think this will be a fun experience.
I am familiar as to what a blog is and have read various ones, but this is the first comment I have ever left on a blog. I am sure that with the learning that is to come, it won't be the only one. I am looking forward to the Learn 2.0 course and learning about all the technology that is available.
This is great how we are all starting to learn more about technology and its potential. And best part of all is, we receive a prize at the end of the course. In my opinion, it doesn't get any better than that! Have Fun!
If you would like to learn more about blogging, sign up for a Weblog class's quick, easy and fun to do!
I have posted to blogs extensively. I have also used distance learning programs (e.g., WebCt and Blackboard) to post to discussion groups that are similar to blogs.
Ok, so the medieval video was absolutely hysterical! For what it's worth, this is my very first blog thingy, so hooray for me. Hope the rest of the course is this entertaining! :)
I've blogged a little on Myspace and such, but no one actually reads those, so this is a little bit different. I am very excited to finally learn what a wiki is! They sound so fun and mystical.
I have a basic familiarity with blogging and am looking forward to learn 2.0. This seems like a great way to get up to speed with the latest technologies available and, best of all, it's in a fun environment with colleagues. Paolo
This is my first time blogging. This one of the things I want to learn about. This course sounds like a lot of fun and an opportunity to sample different technologies.
I am very exited about learning how blog and 2.0 and learning more about the computer and new tech.
This is the first time I've blogged. It's exciting. I really look forward to posting my innermost thoughts online. I know you'll love to read all about me.
It's great to know a lot of us are excited on learning new technologies. This is such a great opportunity and I'm sure everyone is gonna have lots of fun learning.
Can't wait to learn all the new stuff I have no idea how to do!
This is excited! I am happy to get started and to learn "new" things. I'm not "bad" with technology, I'm just "bad" at keeping up with it. Thanks for the opportunity.
I am going to enjoy this Learn 2.0 course. I also think that I will be able to help others with this.
Hello everyone. I liked the "7 1/2 Habits..." presentation very much. I really couldn't think of what to learn computer-wise, so I was going to learn how to hack into the finances of individuals and organizations and MAKE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND TAKE OFF FOR BRAZIL! But in addition to that being illegal, it contradicts our value of Integrity, so there's that. So I decided to learn how to create and post a podcast. So until later, keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the ice cream.
WOW - all these postings already. Looks like everyone is ready to have fun and learn. I am ready to learn more so I can actually hold a conversation about wikis, RSS feeds and can't wait to explore mashups!! Thanks to all who put this together.
I don't blog; I prefer communication and conversation in person or by email. If blogging is your thing, have fun, but don't reveal anything that someone could use against you.
Wow - this way more fun than my Algebra class ever was! This first 'class' was over before I knew it. Really neat idea. Looking forward to the whole process.
This is my first time to actually try to write a blog. I have read some. I am a little reluctant to share my thoughts with so many people but hope through this course I will be more comfortable and able to say meaningful things.
I have blogged quite a bit. SO much fun!!! I also do the Techno Teens Live Blog! GO TEENS!!! I think this course is genius. I can't wait for my department to start their work on it and learn so much! I am happy can you tell with all the exclamation points?!?!?
I like Habit 7 1/2 of being a lifelong learner.
This course is an example of a new and diferent learning experience for me. That i will enjoy a lot.
Looking forward to the Learn 2.0 courses! O'Reilly Media and CMP said, "Web 2.0 is here today, yet its vast disruptive impact is just beginning. More than just the latest technology buzzword, it’s a transformative force that’s propelling companies across all industries toward a new way of doing business. Those who act on the Web 2.0 opportunity stand to gain an early-mover advantage in their markets." (1994)
I read my friends' blogs regularly, but I have never taken the time to write my own.
I've done some blogging before (on two occasions, to be exact)and it has been pretty fun. I'm actually looking forward to learning how to podcast among the other dozen or so things the MP3 player guy mentioned during his presentation (things that, until then, I had no idea existed but sound very cool). So I guess I'm pretty excited about this course. Good Times!
I have never done this, but I can see how it is an entertaining way to learn, looking forward to next week.
I have never blogged! Hope I'm doing this right. week #1 2.0 course was real.
I too am a bit nervous because I haven't a clue to all of this. I am also a cook and foodie--sooo not technically inclined but I am determined to finish this and right now that is my main goal.
Oh by the way! I got a stellar 149 out of 150 on the States Quiz.
Have blogged in online classes and on genealogy websites. Try to keep up with new technologies and have attended new technologies sessions on staff day, but this will allow hands-on experience.
I've read blogs, but never posted on any. This is great!
I've enjoyed my introduction to ocls learn 2.0.
I have enjoyed listening to the Learning 2.0 intro. I also enjoy reading, Chopin, and L.L CoolJ. Sacre Bleu!
I saw something about a cookie recipe somewhere. I'm looking forward to that week's lesson.
I love blogging, blogging is good, down in my belly!!!!
Look Mom! I'm blogging. I'm generally more a reader of blogs than a writer. I don't like other people getting a window into my world, but in this case I made an exception. I hope to learn more throughout this course.
I am a first time blogger!!!!And I will be a "first timer" to many of the things for the next few weeks.
i loved the lady's accent i look forward to learning more!!
I look forward to learning how to blog on a regular basis.
This is a great experience for the first time.
I am familiar with blogging but do not currently blog myself. I do occasionally read people's blogs for work or personal use.
This course is such a great idea!
I love everything about blogging: writing, reading, personalizing your page. I'm very much looking forward to the rest of this course. Seems like I'm not the only one, if the many comments already posted are any indication!
This has a lot of things to learn for we as workers.
It's blog, it's blog, it's better than bad, it's good.
8L0gg1N' 15N'7 ju57 pH0R 73H l337, 17'2 PH0r 3v3rY0N3!
This my first time, so i know i have a lot to learn.
Ugh ... the bloggers...
As this is my first entry on a blog, I will be it brief. I'm looking forward to this course and know I will learn a lot. I love technology and this will help me with my ultimate goal of world mean my Mom will be so proud...yeah...that's what I meant.
I listened to a bit of a blog upstairs in the Info Power Suite once, but other that that I don't know anything about it.
Curtis Metzger
This program is sweet. I didn't realize how much technology is out there. Excited for the next part of this course!!!
I love to read blogs, but seldom post. I can't seem to find the time to have my own blog, besides, I think it's much more fun to see what everyone else is thinking and saying. Bring on the learning and bring on the fun!
Blogging is similar to a Radio Talk Show. People share their comments on various subjects. Some people greatly enjoying sharing their opinions in a public manner. Other people enjoy reading the opinions of others. Blogging can thus be a popular venue for people interested in opinions.
I enjoy reading and writing on blogs that have particular interest to me. Fun way to learn.
I know what blogging is but never was an active participant in one. It's so wonderful that our library is taking everything to the next level and encouraging all the employees to do the same.
I know what blogging is but never was an active participant in one. It's so wonderful that our library is taking everything to the next level and encouraging all the employees to do the same.
I am really excited about this opportunity! I impressed with the idea of fun and professional all rolled into one! Loved that podcast!
ZOMG ROFL WOOT, I get to blog! I'm stoked about learning how to publish a podcast. BTW l337 5p3ak FTW, haha.
Check out the Southwest blog. It's more of an informative/instructional type of blog. Leave comments if you want. Enjoy learning!
I am really excited about this course. I am pretty familiar with many of the topics we are going to cover, but I am always looking for new ideas and places to visit. Loved the video, I made sure everyone saw it.
This is not my first time, but I have not had that much experience. good opportunity to sharpen my skills.
I've been blogging since March 2005 for my uncle Rafael. I'm his webmaster, hehehehe, yeah right!!! I love it. I like suscriptions to feeds, the best way to be up to date. See you all!!!
It's amazing to see the interest in this course already. Thanks, Tom, and all the folks in IS who have worked so hard to bring this to us. BTW, I saw that Ormilla posted a suggestion about anyone interested in blogging to enroll in CRC's blogging class. I just took the class last week (thanks, Tony Orengo!) and it was a great way to get introduced to blogging.
Look foward to a whole new learning process.
I have blogged before on MySpace, but that's my only other experience with blogs. This should be a good and informative learning experience.
I have blogged before on my personal spaces and enjoy having a forum for expressing my thoughts and ideas. This will be a different format and I'm sure it will be extremely informative and useful.
I am looking forward to being introduced to all this new technology. I am also hoping to create my own blog instead of just reading the thoughts of others. because my thoughts are so much more interesting!!!
The medieval "how to use a book" video was so funny! It's kind of how I feel about all this new technology. Willing and ready to learn!
This is my first time blogging. I'm very excited to learn more.
I'm a first timer. Looking forward to learning more.
Def art deutsch YouTube video be sehr komisch!!!
Pleased to see so many of us participating! I have not blogged, and look forward to learning more about Web 2.0 technologies. Mahalo O.C.L.S.!
Sweet! I am the 97th person commenting. I don't even know if there is anything magic about the number... I think this is pretty cool, though. I hate to say it, but I don't agree with Habit #1 very much. If you begin with a clear end in your mind, I feel that you miss a lot of opportunities that come your way during the journey. A lot of times you grow while you explore those unplanned opportunities more than you do when you focus on the goal your're trying to achieve. Just my 2 cents!
I really don't feel comfortable doing this, but what the hay!
I've blogged on myspace. 2.0 seems like it will be interesting!
This is my first time leaving a comment on the blog. I am really shy to let everyone read what I write. Hopefullly when I finish with these courses I will get over it.
After finding the mouse and realizing its not a rodent, i had no trouble figuring out how to blog. this sounds like fun!now where is the send button.
It was a great experience, I've never blogged before but this is great. I even learned how to open a book!
I'm a "greenhorn" blogger too. I've
read some interesting articles on
"Orange Slices". I found the "Book"
video amusing but I admit, I've felt like the "trainee" sometimes
when it come to technology. I hope
this course will upgrade my skills
& confidence level.
I don't really see the big deal about blogging. I read them someimes, I've written on them but people have been writing these for years. Sometimes, blogs can be annoying especially when people get silly--or obnoxious, or just ramble.
It is very interesting to learn new things. I very excited because is my first time using a blog. I would like to learn more new things everyday. The technology is always changing. I love this new challenge because i can practice my writing. C
I read blogs but I don't post to them. Same thing for usenet groups.
I have never blogged, I just want to thank OCLS for giving all of us this opportunity to explore something new.
I am looking forward to participating in Learn 2.0. I recently took the Weblog Basics class and was pleasantly surprised at how easy it is. I look forward to learning more. Thank you for the opportunity!
I blog often, and enjoy reading my friends blogs daily. It is a great way to keep up with your people when life makes it tough to communicate in person.
Kudos to OCLS for always embracing new technology. :)
I'm so excited to be a part of the "first time blogger" group and looking forward to next week course.
I am really looking forward to this course. I have not really blogged that much, but I am excited to expand my horizons.
Great narration on the podcast!
I am also not very familiar with blogging. I am excited to learn.
This is my first time blogging. I'm really looking forward to this new learning experience.
Thank you very much for this
Learn 2.0 presentation. It
was well organized and thought
out. I really enjoyed it and
look forward to the coming
weeks ahead. I considered
this a challenge since I'm
not too familiar with blogging.
This will help me understand it
Thanks for the chance to learn more about the new technologies on Learn 2.0. Looking forward to the next session.
Thank you so much for OCLS Learn 2.0. I look forward to the next session.
thanks to any reader dedicated enough to scroll all the way down, past the 116 comments, to reach mine and actually read this. Seriously though, if this Learn 2.0 week#1 was an amuse bouche of the four course mental meal that is to come, then, i am wholeheartedly delighted for what's in store for us.
OK, Let's get going!
My suggestion - Post all the lesson work at once and let us plow through.
.....Ok Jeff I made it, I promise to work on getting comfortable with blogging.... :-)
I blog all of the time and am pretty comfortable with it. I use it to put up poetry sometimes too.
Here they come to save the dayyyyy! hooray for blogs. social public sphere democractic communication theory at work! just dont tell me about your lunch.
I don't blog, but I teach how patrons how to do it in classes here at South Creek. My experience has been that most everybody has no idea what a blog even is because the definition itself varies.
Chris Reed
South Creek
I'm not much of a blogger either -- but I sure appreciate the opportunity to learn new things in a new way.
I've enjoyed Mary Ann's library leader blog, but I haven't really participated in blogs, podcasts, RSS, etc. This is a good opportunity and a neat way to learn about these technolgies.
Do I get my MP3 player now?
Just kidding. For those of us who live and breathe technology, I found a couple of comments in the collection above quite interesting. A couple of individuals commented on not putting anything in a blog that you wouldn't want to share widely or, as one person put it, something "someone could use against you." Blogging is like public speaking -- your audience could potentially be international and you certainly remain aware that you don't know everyone who might read your blog. But then again, you don't stand up in a crowded room and start rattling off your credit card information for everyone to hear, either.
Technology is providing a voice to the common man -- anyone can create a blog or a podcast or even a YouTube video and be seen and/or heard.
Blogging is great, though I prefer to create content (because my opinion counts! Mine! Mine! Mine!) rather than just sit and read what others have to say. However, brevity has always been my challenge, as I believe that I have now created the longest comments thus far for Week #1. And that's why I never started my own blog.
Thanks, Tom & everyone on the Learn 2.0 team.
This is a non-itimidating way for us to learn
Craig took Algebra?! Wow!
I am very excited to learn 2.0, but don't know what i'm doing.
This is my first time learning 2.o but I do not know my head from my tail what I doing.
WoW!!!! Something new. Ronda
This course is going to be alot
of fun. Blogging is great.
Consensus reached. We apparently all love blogging. Hooray for the blog. Do you realize how funny these new terms are? Blogs, wikis, podcasts,... It sounds as if we are being invaded by aliens from the planet Geek.
Anyways, thanks Tom and everyone else involved with the development of this course. We should have more opportunites here at OCLS for development of our staff. Knowledge rules.
Remember to always take know for an answer.
I've done a little blogging (here at OCLS) but I'm certainly not a full-time blogger. I hardly ever read blogs either as many of them seem to be people's commentaries on their private lives (which is usually a little too much personal information or me).
never blogged before mainly because i don't have much to say. concept gives everyone the ability to get their words out there, but then once that occurs then there is a lot of words out there and then just how to find what is or is not of interest to one?
I've never been in a blog or read anything from others than in the Orange Peel. I expect to learn how to do it and how it works in order for me to apply somehow.
I'm familiar with blogging both creating and reading. I like interacting with people who have similar interests and blogs are a great way to find them.
I have read blogs, but have never created one or posted to one, so I am looking forward to learning new things.
I am new to this Blogging but I enjoyed what I read from others. I am willing to learn and try this blogging.
Divina Rodriguez
South Creek
Well look at all the savvy techies in here! Glad to join a very hip and cool group and look forward to learning all the rss, and wikis and all the other strange looking words! :)
I enjoy blogging on myspace, even tho it has gotten me into some trouble in the past :(
This is my first time using blogs
but I look forward to learning more about them!
I've done a little bit on livejournal in the past, but nothing too regular. I'll look forward to reading what other people are doing and learning about as we go through 2.0.
I read lots of blogs, and I really enjoy it. Learn 2.0 is a very good thing, in terms of being interactive and not just passive. The power of technology!
This is my very first time blogging. I want more!
This is my first time blogging and unsure how safe I will feel using it. Excited about learning new technology though!
I have only written a few blogs. I look forward to becoming a better lifelong learner.
My experience with blogging is limited. I've looked at blogs but have contributed very little.
I'm happy to see that OCLS is providing a variety of methods to it's employees to help fill the gaps of technical knowledge and experience.
This is my first. Oh, the excitment!
Thanks for an opportunity to learn in a new way. I'm also a classroom teacher and see many benefits for the things I'll be learning.
LOVED the "New Technology" video - am using it in a few of the classes here at Winter Garden - brings laughter to the computer classroom!
Lisa @G
Love the Humor and Fun in the Workplace article.
But already my head is spinning
I am not too experienced with blogging. I have only posted a few blogs. I am not too good with technology. 2.0 appears to be very informative and I am looking forward to working with it.
I have never blogged before but i am very excited.I enjoyed the training video it was funny.
Blogging seems interesting. Certainly, it will be good to see what all the fuss is about. If I run out of ideas, and I will, I am going to transcribe old entries from high school yearbooks, such as "Have a wicked summer, dude."
I think that the training session and the videos were very informational, but the video at the beginning was so funny! I can't wait to see the next session of Learn 2.0 classes. Thanks!
I'm lost already! Lol but I'm sure 2.0 can help!
Hi, this is my first time blogging. I look forward to completing this course because it is very well organized and the information is just great! Everyone involved in creating this program has done (or is doing) a really good job!! I look forward to all the FUN! Thanks! :-)
I'm a member in a couple different groups online, so blogging is nothing new to me. I think as this course progresses I'll learn a lot of new information. Or at least define some of those annoying "techie" words I don't know the meanings of. 0:-)
I've blogged before, but mostly on other people's pages, never my own. I'm excited about learning everything in this course. And not to mention, the free MP3 player. :)
I am a reader of blogs, but have not contributed much to them. I am looking forward to learning 2.0 and having fun.
Kudos to Tom and IS for making this possible.
I was already in school for about 20 years, but oh well, here comes more. So why do I feel like I'm about to plunge into a big, very deep pool, where I can't see the bottom, but I'm still taking a big deep breath and preparing to dive? But, the pool leads to the river and the future lies downstream. And, if I just stay on shore, I'll be left behind, so I'd better start swimming, right?. Ahoy, lifelong learning!
Blogging is great!
Blogs before I have explored, sought and read, but posted not, this therefore being comment the first, blog on oh great OCLS! I seek higher knowledge to blogcreate & casting of pods, networking socially, & more. So much inspiration to share, it is beyond imagination. Although this feels alone, the connection begins, and I sense a great togetherness. Out of the many - one!
Like many others who have commented, I have read a lot of blogs but have not contributed much to them. I'm looking forward to the course since it's all about participating and trying new things.
This is great! I can't wait to finish this course and do a lot of blogging.
This is very helpful, you never think about the learning process in that way, so it was a new look at learning
Very interesting aspect on technology...and i must say i like it! Looking for to the next steps.
I think it's a great idea and I hope we all learn many new great things through this program.
I am eager to learn new technologies.
I was not familiar with blogging and I thought it was much more complicated than this. But is very easy. Thank you very much for keeping us up to date with technoology! :-)
I had planned to do something similar to Learn 2.0 (23 Things) on my own. So I was overjoyed to hear we would be doing Learn 2.0 at OCLS.
I first learned about blogging through an online class I was taking. We were required to keep a blog regarding our thoughts/comments on articles we read for the class. I really enjoyed doing it. So I decided to start the Southwest Blog (with Administration's blessings, of course) about 2 years ago. Today Cathryn B. and I do the postings for it. I enjoy doing the blog and coming up with ideas. Be sure to take a look at it on the OCLS Web site.
Today I learned that blogging can be alot of fun. I have never blogged before.
Thank you for the opportunity to learn this new technique.
This course looks like it's going to be both entertaining and interesting!
This is a new experience for me. I'm not a techie, but hope to learn a lot in this process.
I am looking forward to becoming more informed about all of the technologies. It looks like a lot of fun!
Well this is a challenge! I've never blogged before.Guess I'm doing it as I write. Here goes it.
This program does look like fun and i can't wait to get started.
Good stuff! Blogs are great and I can't wait to see what is next!
I am driving everyone in my office crazy with my ignorance on this task. I m looking forward to setting goals and becoming more comfortable with this and lean less on my work mates for help, as the course goes on. These are Challenges, no. These are Learning experiences, Yes!
This should be a lot of fun - plus, it's always great to learn something new. I'm looking forward to the experience!
Blogging gives you a chance to say what you want and keep it behind the scenes. It serves as a voice which can not be seen or discovered. Yet, most of the time it can be a fun learning experience for others to enjoy as well.
This is my first time blogging. Trying to keep an open mind about learning new technology. It will be interesting.
I have never "blogged" before. I like the word and am looking forward to learning more.
This should be interesting. I've blogged before in other formats and I know it can be fun. I can't wait to see what everyone has to say during the coming weeks!
WOW!!! Love the variety of comments and the varied experience of all of the participants. I have blogged a little bit on zorpia, orkut, and yahoo 360° and have learned some wonderful things about people all over the world. Knowledge is a powerful and beautiful thing. It is good to know that I work for an entity that cares so much about it's most valuable asset: employees.
I look forward to the weeks ahead and to meeting all of you.
Information, Imagination, Inspiration...
and remember Take Know for an Answer!!!
Let's remember habit 7 1/2- Play. Have fun as you go through the exercises. I sure am...
So many little time. Is there a way to find just the blogs you want to read?
Yay for blogging!
I began by agonizing over my learning contract, but I decided that this is not "school" and I won't be graded, so I'm going to relax enjoy the experience. I love new technologies, but I'm an "old dog" willing to learn "new tricks"!
I think this course will be fun. I don't feel too intimidated yet! That moment will likely come, lol, but I feel like I will be able to ask questions without the fear of sounding too ignorant. This is after all, a whole new language.
I'm ready to learn all the new Technologies that are outthere!!
I've blogged before on several other websites!!!!
"To infinity and beyond!" (Did someone already say that? Sorry; information overload dictates that I not read everything that anybody writes. I guess that my POV of blogs is showing. Sorry. Did i already say that? Sorry.)
I've never blogged before...but I've read plenty of blogs on Myspace.
I have a little bit of experience with the Techno Teens Blog, but I'm looking forward to learning more, especially how to create a blog next week.
So it's official, I am a "blogger". I'm excited to see what next week has because just setting up the page was very complicated. See yaaaa. Peace.
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