Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Welcome to OCLS Learn 2.0 - Week #1

Watch this video: New Technology (plug in your headphones or speakers)
Listen to this podcast: Week 1

This course is all about SELF:

    Sharing and Collaborating


      Lifelong Learning and

      Fun in the workplace
    Sharing and Collaborating - Sharing and collaborating are a large, LARGE component of this course. Why? Because none of us work alone. I am sitting here at my desk typing this, but Jim Elder is working on the graphics, Emily Wallace is looking for interesting weblinks, Rashal McElderry is our podcaster, and Chris Zabriskie is the person that makes the A/V magic happen. We have all collaborated to make this project happen. Technology is the key to opening up our collaboration circles. By broadening the circle, we can tap into more talent and skill, which makes work easier and the end results better. Without the team that helped with this project, you would have been reading this in a very flat, plain, boring email message. Please feel free to connect with someone at your location and work through this course together. Form a team, a study group, a lunch group, however it works for you is great!

    Exploration - Trying new things is what makes life exciting. Don’t be afraid to try any part of this course, even if it doesn’t work. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Trying is the important part. Remember how you learned to ride a bike? Remember how many times you fell? You were determined and committed and you kept trying!! That’s what we need here.

    Fun – Our work is serious by its nature, having fun at work should be a mandatory requirement, like taking a lunch break. In an article titled “Humor and Fun in the Workplace” (weblink to article source) Mary Rau-Foster mentions Southwest Airlines:

    “SouthWest Airlines has departed from the typical approach to passenger service and has been rewarded for it. The flight attendants were named number one among the flight attendants of all the airlines.” “…In addition, they are encouraged to use humor in their customer service — which the passengers seem to appreciate (this one in particular.) Does the playfulness of the attendants impact their credibility with the passengers? Apparently not, as evidenced by the laughter and positive comments that follows some humorous remarks by the attendants.”

    If you have ever flown SWA, you know that they are a “different” airline. In a recent flight from Buffalo to Orlando, I was asked to sing the Mickey Mouse theme song for first-to-board privileges. I honestly didn’t know all of the words, but the gate guy rehearsed with me and I pulled it off. Lucky for me, Simon wasn’t in the crowd! Should you have patrons sing out their Dewey decimal requests? I don’t know what is right for you, but I know that if our patrons see us enjoying our work, they will be drawn to us, and more likely to visit.

    Lifelong Learning (yes I know, when spelling “SELF” the “F” should be after “L” but it doesn’t flow as well that way here) Lifelong learning means that the dog is never too old to learn new tricks. I hope that all of you are ready to learn a few new tricks. Exploration, experience and learning are all parts of lifelong learning and growth. Think of yourself as a knowledge pirate, exploring new worlds and seas, only without the plundering and killing part.

    This course will be taught asynchronously, meaning that I will present learning information on a regular interval and you can stop by and use the materials when you like. This type of learning gives you the power to learn when it is best for you. As we all know, life has a great way of changing our best plans. Asynchronous learning gives you flexibility to deal with the issues and learn when you want. Remember the Burger King commercial – “Have it your way”?? You have the power to learn anytime you want. Can you feel the power??!!

    eXplore7.5 Habits activity – View the presentation and create your own learning goals. (a direct link to download the learning contract is on the link list on the upper right side of this page)

    Share – Take a moment and post a comment to this blog about your experience with blogging, even if this is your first time. You can also share your expectations for this course. To leave a comment, click the word “comments” at the bottom of this page. When you click, a text box will open; enter your comments into the box. In the Choose Your Identity field, feel free to be anonymous or click the other button and use your own name. You don’t need to create a Google/Blogger account at this time. When you are finished, click the “Publish Your Comment” button and you are done.

    Adventure –We will have our first Adventure activity next week.


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      Greyjoy said...

      BTW -

      My name is spelled GEOGHAGAN

      not GEOGHAGEN


      ; ' 0

      jelbo said...
      This comment has been removed by the author.
      Bethany said...

      I read blogs all the time but do not usually comment on them. I am really looking forward to this course and the new experiences ahead!

      Anonymous said...

      I hope to learn a lot over the next few weeks. I have never posted to a blog before today and am hoping that the experience will continue to be a positive one. I am doing this with a partner, so I know this course will be more fun to take!

      Anonymous said...

      This is so exciting. This will be my first time blogging. I can't wait for the end of this course to see how much I will learn from it.

      Anonymous said...

      This is also my first time blogging and already feel like very techie! Can't wait to learn more and the MP3 prize. Thank you for arranging such wonderful course for us.

      Anonymous said...

      I'm really looking forward to learning alot from this course. Thanks for the opportunity!

      Anonymous said...

      This course is a great way to get everyone updated and synchronized with the technology that patrons will ask us about. This is not only a great informational tool, but it will benefit us personally by helping us become more savvy in technology.

      Kelly said...

      Looks like blogging, feels like blogging. Hey! I'm blogging! Wicked cool!

      Anonymous said...

      I spend so much time on the net, but I've never blogged. This should be niftyyyy.

      Anonymous said...

      I need this course and am very excited to be learning about new technologies.

      ebagservice said...

      my first blog

      Anonymous said...

      It's blogging time. I know I'll have fun. =0)

      luz said...

      I like it I want to start doing it and express what i want.

      Anonymous said...

      I love online learning! This is going to be a fun adventure!

      RMT314 said...

      The way we are going to learn through the computer woill be fun and useful

      Anonymous said...

      I have blogged many times but I'm still very excited because there are still many things to learn

      Anonymous said...

      I am new at blogging; and look forward to learning. Thank you for this opportunity

      Anonymous said...

      I have blogged before but I don't use them very often.

      lady of squirrels said...

      I am interested in learning more about this stuff like blogging and all these other things. I hope this turns about to be informative.

      Anonymous said...

      I have blogged before in a committee I was in. I think it is very useful to share ideas this way. Thanks for this course. I'm sure I will gain alot from it.

      Anonymous said...

      This is a new challenge for me and I think that being Lifelong learner
      is a great thing to be.

      Anonymous said...

      Being a lifelong learner is a good thing and Iam up for the challenge

      Anonymous said...

      i haven't the faintess idea of how to blogg but hopfully i will know something by the end of this course. i am kind of nervous.

      Anonymous said...

      I blogg all the time on myspace so this is whats up!

      Anonymous said...

      This is my first time blogging but I'm hoping to learn alot in the next few weeks. Ineed to expamd my computer knowledge!!

      Anonymous said...

      i can't wait to get started

      Anonymous said...

      Pretty familiar with all of these things, we'll see how in depth they get into each subject.

      Anonymous said...

      I'm blogging, which I never thought I'd do. I'm looking forward to the course, and learning new technologies.

      Anonymous said...

      I find the concept of blogging fascinating - esp. when it's used for the most current up-to-date info. My favorite blogging moment was a 2004 presidental debate between Bush and Kerry. Keith Olbermann had a point by point blog. Every key issue that was covered was blogged about and a winner was determined. I thought it made the world of blogging so personal. Pay attention the next time you go to a conference, or a basketball game, or a concert - if you take a look along the fringes of the crowd, you'll probably see someone sitting on the sidelines with their computer - blogging about the experience you're having.

      Anonymous said...

      This is very cool, I have never blogged before. I am excited to learn though.

      Anonymous said...

      This old dog is looking forward to learning some new tricks. The format of Learn 2.0 is a wonderful way to learn.

      Anonymous said...

      Better late than never, right? I'm happy to join the Learn 2.0 party and try some new things that I've been hearing about.

      I've worked on blogs for the Library and it has been quite fun.

      Averted said...

      I've been a Blogger member since 2000 and I'm still excited to take this course! U GUYZ IZ GOING TO LUV IT.

      Anonymous said...

      Even though I am big into technology I have not done a lot of blogging in my past. I think a lot of it is time and maybe lack of interest for bloggs. I am looking forward to continue working on Learn 2.0

      Anonymous said...

      This is all very exciting...I cannot wait to learn more! I've read plenty of other people's blogs and the thought that I'll soon be able to create my own is awesome!

      Anonymous said...

      What can I add? It's always exciting to learn somthing new! What's an HTML tag???

      debbie said...

      Well I checked and I was very relieved to find another post for May 11! I'm glad I'm not too late. I've looked at some of the staff blogs that have been created and I've got to say that the pressure is on! There is some great stuff out there. Here I come!

      Anonymous said...

      I've used blogs for information gathering, but have never participated in one. Here we go!

      Anonymous said...

      I'm going into this as a challenge and I'm very interested in learning new things.

      Anonymous said...

      Great presentation! This is my first time blogging.

      Jimbo said...

      I Loved being read to by the sweet sounding lady, brought back my childhood!

      Jose said...

      I have never blogged before and wow is not that bad. The goal video was really educational and entertaining to watch.

      Anonymous said...

      I have had little experience with blogging, but by the end of Learn 2.0 I hope to be an expert blogger. I am ready to learn!

      Anonymous said...

      GROOVY BABY! This will be fun!

      Anonymous said...

      This is going to be an interesting experience. I have zero experience with blogging so let's see how it goes!

      Anonymous said...

      I know I'm getting a late start, but I've heard so much about the course and I didn't want to miss out on the fun.

      MizzVibez said...

      I'm not really good with blogging because I havent done it in a while.
      I feel that this course will help me communicate well with others and help everyone when they are in need.
      I guess you can say that I'm pretty quiet and to myself (even though I talk to everyone at the Southeast Branch).
      I hope that this course can help me break out of my shell and be more open.

      Anonymous said...

      I have blogged before- and i like, only it requires time :) But i am glad that OCLS started this cool initiative!

      Good luck :)

      Anonymous said...

      I have blogged before, but never in the workplace. It feels wierd. But i am sure it will be quite a unique experience and loads of fun.

      bbbb1313242 said...

      I have never really been a blog fan but i always found it interesting. It gives everyone the ability to be their own reporter. They can post their beliefs on everything from religion to sour dough bread. It is a great tool and a wonderful way to communicate in a new generation of technology and change.

      Anonymous said...

      I am a little scare of this...all new to me, but am open to it!

      Anonymous said...

      I've been on forums and all types of different online communities however this is my first time blogging so i'm excited!

      Anonymous said...


      Anonymous said...

      I'm very excited to do this course since it's actually my first time doing an online course ever. I think it will be interesting and will help me in the future.

      Anonymous said...

      I've participated in a blog on Lonely Planet's Thorn Tree Forum before. It was really helpful when planning a trip to Africa. If you like world travel, check them out.

      adventure4000 said...

      As they say there is a first for everything and this is mine. It's kind of exciting for what i am going to be learning. blogging isn't really knew but i just never took a care for it.

      Anonymous said...

      Blogs are an important communications channel which give people the opportunity for frequent, rich and unbridled interactions.

      Anonymous said...

      Just read the introduction, and i get the idea of blogging. I do not found it exciting and I would live with it.

      Anonymous said...

      While always interested in new ideas and technologies, this type of communication seems a little disembodied. Do I really want to discuss issues that are sincerely important to me with strangers? Only time and experience will tell.

      Eeyore73 said...

      Ok, so I really can't remember if I left a comment way back at the beginning time or not...I think I just jumped in and started my own, so just to cover myself and make sure I did it, I'm doing it now! hehe Blogging...well, it was new to me at the beginning of this, and now maybe not quite so new. It was kind of fun, and cool to read what other people write, but probably not something I'll keep up with long-term. I never was much for keeping a journal. It was fun while it lasted though!

      Anonymous said...

      I am both nervous and excited because I have never blogged before.

      Anonymous said...

      It sounds and appear very exciting for someone who has blogged before!

      Jaime said...

      This is my 1st time blogging. I post on school forums. So I guess is close to blogging. C-ya!!

      Anonymous said...

      I've done things similar and look forward to expanding my knowledge

      Anonymous said...

      This is my first time blogging and I'm really scared and nervous! Hopefully, I'll be knowlegeable by the end of the course! :-)

      Anonymous said...

      I am a first time blogger too.

      Anonymous said...

      OCLS 2.0 is a great 'learn-at-your-own-pace' system I am looking forward to the other lessons!

      Anonymous said...

      Good words.

      Anonymous said...

      I look forward to venturing into blogging. I know lots of people who blog, but I never have blogged. It's the start of a new adventure! :)

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