Listen to this podcast: Week 3
Learning Styles - Just as each of us are unique individuals, we also have unique ways in which we prefer to receive information. Scientists call these preferences our learning styles. Have you ever thought about how you like to learn? Some (like me) are visual learners. We like to learn from reading or watching something. Other folks are auditory learners. They learn best by listening, or hearing. Do you know someone that can play a song after hearing it a few times? Another learning style is tactile - involving the hands. These are the folks that like to grab a hold of their learning (bad pun, I couldn't resist!!) Tactile learners use their hands to help them learn. Many Tactile learners make great mechanics. The last group is the kinesthetic learners. One of my daughters has a preference for kinesthetic styled learning. She is constantly on the move; she wants to learn by doing something or being physically involved in the learning process. Think about your learning style as we look at some technology.
RSS - Real Simple Syndication. You may have heard the term before, but did you know what the letters stood for? RSS is a powerful tool that can help bring information to you. Take a look at Alan November's article on RSS.
Wikis – Wikis are much like blogs except that all visitors have the ability to add, edit or delete information. Seems sort of weird doesn’t it? The goal is to use a wiki to create a collaborative piece of knowledge. If all of mankind is separated by 6 degrees, well then, all of man’s knowledge is only 6 separations away. Not so silly is it? Take a look at Wikipedia and search for your own piece of profound wisdom.
How do these topics connect? As an alternative to just googling information, you can search information or have information come to you in formats that cater to your preferred learning style. Try the following activities to see.

Two more tasks - search Grokker for the topic of your choice. Once your results are displayed, click the Map View tab. (visual learners will rejoice!)

Yahoo Pipes will be a great opportunity for coworkers to understand a lot more the RSS Feed concept. See you later!!!
I love the guy playing the 'IT Professional'
Really want to love Bloglines...but I don't know...check out my blog for more thoughts on that.
Check out the Youth Services RSS feeds for up to date info about happenings in the dept. I also really think grokker is very cool.
I really think that Grokker is very cool. Also take a look at the Youth Services RSS feeds they really keep you up to date on what's happenig in the department.
Do we submit the yahoo pipes task here? If so I have a feed mashup via pipes on my blog.
If you're lazy, here is a direct RSS link to it :P
Following written instructions is very difficult. Without the help of my computer tech I would have chucked the whole thing in frustration!
this task is very difficult for someone who does not have any previous computer experince
I really learn a lot about the rss feeds and wikis, what a fun way to learn?
This lesson felt as if I had opened a door which leads to another world.
Ummm...this was a little confusing at first...the site really isn't easy to navigate but once I got it things became more simple. I think that this service may be very helpful if you truly understand how to use it.
I don't know much a Grokker's. Maybe one day I will.
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