(link shamelessly borrowed from the Orange Slices Blog.)
Listen to this podcast: Week 4
What is Web 2.0? Think of the Hippy movement of the 1960’s, but in a digital age. Remember the song, “I’d like to teach the world to sing” …..” Now add “And share and collaborate, and create, ….in perfect harmony”. In its’ first creation, the web mainly took existing information and moved it to the Internet. Yes, you could look up movie show times and high school friends and search for books on Amazon or buy that favorite childhood toy on Ebay. Most of that stuff you could do without the web. Remember newspapers and classified ads? The magic of Web 2.0 is the power of individuals to create and share – globally! Time Magazine summed it up best in the article: Your Web, Your Way
Time came back in late December and named You, the Person of the Year:
How did those kids sell their video website for 1.65 Billion Dollars? Meet the “kids” and read their story in Time Magazine article: YouTube Gurus . (this is a looong article, read until you are full, but not painfully full!) You have to wonder – “Why didn’t I think of that”?
Videoblogs: did you catch the statistic in Time's Your Web, Your Way article that Video Ninja has more viewers than the Comedy Channel's The Daily Show? (Click the OK button if you are prompted to run an active X control. Plug your earphones in and turn your sense of humor up to 11. The corn factor is high, but there is a message and it is pretty good)
How about LonelyGirl15? Have you read about her? LonelyGirl is the brain child of two college students that hired an actor to play LonelyGirl. She is a fictitious character with a Youtube account. Did you catch that - she is a character, ala James Bond, that has a Youtube account. They have created an interactive web based video show that encourages the audience to email characters and help develop the show’s scripts. Do you think the big three networks are ready to have you and I help write the next script for any of the new fall programs? Where would Magnum PI be right now if we could have only helped him figure out who Robin Masters really was? This potential for interactivity is so cool! (scroll down to article: SXSW: Lonelygirl15 is alive and well) Can you see the future where actors are CGI based special effects that are interactive with the "audience"? Does the term audience even apply anymore? Here is an interesting article from MSNBC on 5/9. Why do you think less people are watching TV? Web 2.0? TV Viewers are Vanishing
Web 2.0 isn’t just about video; it encompasses all things digital; music, art, poetry and the written word. Web 2.0 blends you the user and you the content generator with technology that opens up the world. Where do you think Jim Morrison would have gone with Web 2.0? What about Kurt Cobain?

I saw that web 2.0 video on digg.com a while ago. Very well done!
I have to take a moment to tell you how nice it is that you're making sure each of these links opens in a new window. It makes things MUCH easier, especially when there are so many links!
I really enjoyed the Web 2.0 video. It was cool and reminded me of a movie a saw in college many moons ago called Culture Shock. I checked some of the award winning sites and there are three of them I definitely like; Google Maps, Pandora and Farecast.
I could not get any of the MySpace OCLS videos to run, but I had a blast with the backward videos in YouTube. I was LOL a lot.
After Web 2.0 Video,
Marcel Marceau!!!
I just added a restaurant downtown that I enjoyed. The site said to return in 24 hours so I'll add the review at that point. Very sweet to be able to search for different restaurants in the area, no matter where you may be!
My restaurant would not post to ToEat. Tried twice.
I added the Woodlands restaurant, which is just down the street from South Trail. For all you vegetarians out there, you should try it. Milinda recommended it to me.
I recommend Charley's Steakhouse on the Trail. If you show your licence on your birthday, you can get a free meal if another guest in your party pays for their meal which costs more than your meal. Ask about this birthday deal before you go. The double chops, langustinos and chicken are divine and not too pricey.
Learning is fun when I'm actually learning something....this course is great!
The "ToEat" site was really cool. I liked being able to rate the restaurants. The video was really neat, too. I think it's wonderful that we have the opportunity to learn this stuff!
I added a restaurant to the TOEAT site, one near the SW branch. Hint... It's Italian.
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