Listen to this podcast: Week 7
All right, I think it is time we took a look at the lighter side of Web 2.0. Have some fun this week!
Trainco – Did you make the New Year’s resolution? You know the one about loosing a few pounds? I think you look great, but if you feel you need too……take a look at Trainco for some help.
Dogster and Catster – Are you a fan of Man’s best friend or more of a feline affection ado? Ying or yang, here is one for the pet lovers. Sorry, I haven't found a site for reptiles or amphibians, but I am sure that you can!
Blufr – Think of Trivia Pursuit only a little different.
Chugged – The website for beer lovers.
Bottletalk – If beer lovers can have their own site, so can wine lovers.
The Puzzle Player – Here is a place to do the Sunday crossword puzzle without the hassle of that newspaper thing getting black ink all over everything. What, more of a Sudduko fan? Well, you can find it here as well.

These were fun to know about. I especially liked the cat and puzzle pages. These would be fun to show to seniors.
I like to draw with color pencils, so I found an RSS feed under Recently I was given a taste of Plum wine while dining at Kobe's and I have to say it was very good. Not being a connoisseur of wines, I found the information in Bottletalk very helpful. Finally, I sign up for Trainco, since those last few pounds I need to lose seem to be hanging on for dear life. But not for long. Come summer I will be in top shape reading about art while sipping some good Plum wine...
There's also that just launched. It has gathered more than 1000 dogs by now. And there's, too.
What's the best way to find Web 2.0 sites?
Well, recently I have been combining my love of quilting with my recent interest in Second Life. Our SL guilt guild is talking about holding a class in how to create virtual quilts and also about possibly hosting a virtual quilt show of both rl and virtual quilts.
Check here and here.
Both have giant lists of web 2.0 sites organized by category.
Some others::
I love the collaboration - you are getting it!! Cool!
Yes, plum wine is good!!!
CAT loves sodoku!!!! Did I spell that right? Whatever.
I love Sodoku!!! Did I spell that right? Whatever.
The weeks are just flying! This week was enjoyable and I had loads of fun. I can't wait to try Sudoko, electronically! Thanks again for the opportunity.
I noticed that TrainCo is actually TrainEo on the website. Just thought everyone would want to know because if they ever want to go back some time down the road, they won't be able to find it!
Try plum brandy... called slivovitz/ sliwowitz ( depending on whether you use the czech or the polish spelling. But don't try it on an empty stomach!
gypsy wanderings said so.
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