Listen to this podcast: Week 6
In the Web 2.0 world, social networking** refers to a website that allows users to create their own profile and share information about themselves with the web community. People gather at specific sites, or are drawn to specific sites for many different reasons. Some, like Myspace, started as a place for indie musicians to gather and post info about their music and gigs. As we saw, seemingly, the whole world took notice and decided to join the fray. Believe it or not, there are social networking sites for book lovers and library lovers, and in this week’s activities, we will explore some of them.
Another Web 2.0 trend is the blending technologies together to create new tools or applications. This process is called a mashup. An example of a mashup might be the blending of a real estate multiple listing service (MLS) with Google Maps. The result is a searchable listing of houses that are displayed, interactively, on a map. Check it out here: Enter your zip code to see houses for sale in your neighborhood . Click the smiling face to see the house info. Open a specific house and click the satellite button to see the house from space. Zoom in or out by clicking the + and – buttons.
Here are three more mashups to explore:
Learn 2.0 Map of the World - here is a Google map that lists all of the libraries in the world that are doing a version of Learn 2.0. Use the plus and minus icons to zoom in and out. Did you find us?
MotorMapUSA - maybe you have always dreamed of owning that red convertible sports car, well, choose your dream car from the list and click how far you willing to travel and see who is selling your future baby.
Wikimapia – part user editable wiki, part Google Map. This mashup lets you identify specific places on earth. Why? Hmmm….good question.

**Note: The social networking link above contains a very technical description of social networking. Please explore at a depth for which you are comfortable.
Thanks for Wikimapia. It was the most FUN I've had in this class. I looked up where my daughter taught school in Tiwian
I especially enjoyed exploring the use of athe search engine with attitude. I think that the Southwest blog provides very useful and interesting info.
I got excited with the Propsmart link because I am house shopping
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