Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Play Week - Week #5

Listen to this podcast: Week 5

Watch this video: Tuesday Morning Rush – Here is the description: “Cambridge economists rush for library books on the last day of Easter Term 2002/003” How does this compare to your Tuesday morning rush?

This is an official exploration week. As such, I won’t introduce any new material so you can get a little play time with the things that we have covered. If you are a late joiner or if life has jumped in the way of your learning, this is a catch up week. Go!

eXplore – Play time – search, explore, fiddle, find, fool around, visit or revisit anything that we have covered so far.

Share – Verbally share your experiences with someone at your location.

Adventure – Can’t get enough? Ok! Create a Meez avatar and insert it into your blog. This is a moderately challenging task, Disclaimer: I have created an avatar, but I haven’t got it into my blog yet.


Southside said...

OK, I did it! That was alot of fun and there are so many choices to choose from.

Thanks for an exciting opportunity to learn all of this new information and technology.

bobbie's cat said...

Youth Services continues to use You Tube and My Space--it is very exciting to be in on new technology.

Dan said...

I added a meez to my blog to, its fun!

Maxicow said...

I created my Meez, Library Rocker, and added it to my blog. Does anyone know how to add music or sounds to it? What is a rocker without music? Just another lost soul. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know.

dewey said...

I added my Yahoo! avatar to my blog. I'll certainly try out Meez, too!

Jose said...

oh wow that was really crazy but it came out lookin so cool that was really cool.

cyber_butterfly said...

Hey, I noticed you said you haven't been able to post your MEEZ to your blog. In case you don't know how to post it at your blog (I doubt it) just click on "export MY MEEZ", you will see 3 links, copy and paste the third one in your blogger.com profile, in the picture section.

Moe said...

I created a Meez. It was pretty fun, and relatively easy.

DeeryLou said...

This was a really fun week! I added my Meez avatar to my blog. I'm having fun looking at other people's avatars too. No two are alike. That's cool.

Zaphod Beeblebrox said...

Avatars. Gotta love em. I wish it were so easy to change our offline appearance. On the other hand, think how that would affect things like law enforcement.

Jenn Baker said...

The Tuesday Morning Rush...are you sure that wasn't some stock footage of Alafaya on Tuesday mornings? I loved the video! =)